Friday 28 October 2011


At my most recent visit to the doctor, he advised me to start working on my cholestrol problem.  It is a little high now.

I heard the top winners in the Quaker Oats Smart Heart Challenge 2011 had really reduced their cholesterol levels after eating oats for only a month.  According to the company, an impressive high percentage of the people who tried had managed to reduce their total cholesterol levels.

Apparently this diet requires observation of the total healthy diet too.  So it is rather challenging.  But, I want to give it a try.

Tuesday 4 October 2011


We can benefit from the hibiscus plant.  I got this information from my mother, and I want to share it here.

Just follow the following.  You will appreciate the results:

  1. Take about 1 small bowl of of hibiscus leaves.  Pour in sufficient water to cover the leaves.  Bring it to the boil.  Let boil for 20 minutes and strain.  Massage on to hair and rinse.
  2. Take 10 hibiscus flowers.  Clean it.  Add 150-200 coconut oil.  Boil for 10 - 15 minutes.  Let stand for 10-12 hours. Strain and use.
  3. If you prefer, add may add neem (daun mambu) or mint.  Follow procedure #2.